1.          National Privacy Principles

(a) Jacket Curated Pty Ltd (“Jacket”) is committed to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of personal information. We believe that the responsible use of personal information collected is critical to our business objectives and reputation.

(b) Jacket is subject to the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and accordingly will adhere to the National Privacy Principles (NPPs) when collecting, using, disclosing, securing and providing access to personal information.


2.          Personal Information Collection

(a) We may invite you to register with us or to provide information about yourself.

(b) The extent and type of personal information we receive from you depends on the information you provide to us through our contact mailboxes, through any registration process, through our website or Facebook or Instagram page and/or when you request services.

(c) In order for us to provide you with goods or services or otherwise to deal with you we generally require your name, address and contact details. The type and amount of information necessary will vary depending on the goods or services you require.

(d) You can remain anonymous if you wish, however it may reduce the type and quality of goods or services we will be able to provide.


3.          Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

(a) We use the personal information which you provide to deliver goods and services most suited to your needs.

(b) We use your personal information to respond to your requests, to provide you with information about our goods and services and to provide any of our goods and services. For example, if you send us an e-mail message requesting information about Jacket, we will use your e-mail address and other information you supply to respond to your request.

(c) We may use your personal information to inform you about other Jacket goods, services or locations from time to time, however, we will give you an opportunity to decline to receive such communications.

(d) The personal information you provide to us will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the information was collected or as required by law.

(e) We do not share personal information with third parties except as necessary to provide our goods or services or as required by law or other legal processes, and we never sell your personal information.


4.          Data Quality, Access and Quality

(a) You can contact us at any time to view and update your information as and when required. You can also advise us of changes by e-mail, telephone or letter.


5.          Data Security

(a) Jacket has technological and operational security policies and procedures in place to protect your personal information from loss, misuse, alteration or unintentional destruction.

(b) Our personnel who have access to personal information have been trained to maintain the confidentiality of such information.


6.          Further Information

(a) Jacket recognises its responsibility for protecting the privacy of your personal information. If you have questions or comments about our administration of your personal information, please contact us at You may also use this address to communicate any concerns you may have regarding compliance with our Privacy Policy.